torsdag 30 januari 2014

Burnout - word finder week5


1. Chuffed= nöjd
2. Obvious= uppenbar
3. Grudge= agg
4. Trolley= vagn
5. Hardware= hårdvara
6. Flammable= brandfarlig, lättantändlig 
7. Crowding= trängsel 
8. Pelting= bombardemang
9. Gaze= stirra , blicka
10. Growl= morra
11. conscience = samvete
12. Shrug= axelryckning / rycka på axlarna 
15. Dribble= dregla. 
16. Shove= knuffa, stöta
17. Acting odd= agerar udda , konstigt
18. Tensed= spänd
19. Crawl= krypa
20. Cruise= kryssning / kryss

fredag 24 januari 2014


This book is about peer pressure. It's all about a guy who’s in a gang, Mitch Mitchels gang. This guy name is Josh Linfoot and he wants to be cool like the other guys. His friend Danny is in his class. Danny’s brother is the boss in the gang and its he who takes over the whole gang. They test Josh to see if he fits in with the gang

Peer pressure is everywhere and it’s always someone who gets depressed because of it. Peer preassure is that a gan or group of people, go against one person, pushing them to do something they don’t really wanna do. It’s normal with teens and young adults. But this happens with older adults too. When a person is a part of group. It happens they have to fake themselves. Act cool and not be themselves to fit in. This can make people not to happy with how they are, and they can get sad. BEcause of all the faking and peer preassure that can happen.