onsdag 15 februari 2012

Text game - Character tracer

I have chosen to talk about Mel's personality and her life.

Mel has blond hair. She is sixteen and has a  boyfriend named Ben. She like to be nearly Ben and Lisa. Mel love Ben so much but after having seen the text is she's a little unsure and worried because she is afraid of loosing her boyfriend. In the beginning of the book she thinks that she is very lucky to have Ben as her boyfriend, its almost like she thinks he is to good for her.
Even though she seems a bit unsure of herself in the beginning I think Mel has a great self-confidence, because she is always herself and don't copy others. Everything she says she always mean

The book is about love, courage, betrayal and friendship.

The text game - Creative connector

In the book:
In the book it says that Mel gets a text message from an girl person. and then you get a little curious as to who it is. She gets angry at the person who sends to her. The text are false, The girl want to make Mel jealous.

I will connect this event with an event in my life:
I got a text message from someone I didn't know who it was. The person sent one by one. But finally I called the person but it does not answer so I switched sim card instead. I never knew who it was.

Similarities and Differences:

Mel got a text from a girl and did´nt know if it was a girl or a boy.

The text game - word finder

1.Ruined = Förstört 
2.Steadily = Stadigt
3.Croak = Kväva
4.Might = Kanske
5.Being a misery = Vara ett elände
6.offended = Sårad
7.Depressed = Deprimerad
8.Dozing = Slumrande 
9.Waking = Vaken 
10.Thumping = Dunkande
11.Wobbly = Ostadig
12.Gruffly = Strävt
13.Terrified = Livrädd
14.Ashamed = Skamsne
15.Avoided = Undvika
16.Pretend = Låtsas 
17.Impatiently = Otåligt 
18.glimpse = skymt , inblick 
19.cramped = trånga 
20.trusting =  lita 


1. She is a pig and have ruined everything.

2. Mel was terrified when she saw the text.

3. I pretend that nothing has happened.

4. I might comfort her.

5. She tried to avoid things behind your back.

6. She could not trust me anymore after that I had done.

7. Lisa was awake all night and was worried about what would happen later.

8. I am depressed all the time.

9. She look steadily at me with that look she does.

10. He must always come and cramped in between us

Picture of my game: 
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Its a Memory..

torsdag 9 februari 2012

Dumpad - Sammankoppling

Jag har valt att skriva om en händelse när Ahmed är på väg till Sverige. Jag ska koppla denna händelsen med en händelse i mitt liv. 

Han fattade knappt att det var sant. Han var på väg till Sverige och denna gången var det inte en falsk dröm. Det var en sann dröm som kom i uppfyllelse. Han var nervös och jätte glad. Han var full med glädje tårar. Ahmed var nervös vid tanken på att träffa sina gamla klasskompisar.

Jag upplevde nästan samma som Ahmed fast min händelse är lite annorlunda. Jag var på väg till Sverige från Jordanien och jag var jätte nervös men samtidigt glad. Jag skulle börja i 7:an och då skulle vi splittras. Jag hade också längtat att se mina gamla klasskamrater.

onsdag 8 februari 2012

Labb: Dissekera ett koöga

Syfte: Syftet var att hitta alla delarna i det.

Materiel:Koöga,Bricka,SkalpellPincett,Sax och handskar

Utförande: Vi öppnade ögat vid hornhinnan och plockade ut glaskroppen och linsen sedan vände vi ut och in på den. Det kändes äckligt

Resultat: När vi tog ut hornhinnan så kom det ut en vätska det var då delar som av regnbågshinnan. Vi kände efter den hårda fläcken.

Slutsats: Vi kunde se att ett koöga är ser ut som en människas öga. Det var väldigt slemmigt och äckligt,

Text game - summarizer

Mel is getting ready to went out with Ben. She loved to wear make-up and put on nice clothes. She is always excited when she sees himwhen she came into the bar, he had already ordered a drink. Mel and ben talked about the party ben was on. He thought the party was boring because Mel weren't there. Suddenly Mel income a message. The sound was really loud so Ben even noticed it. Mel got panic and felt unwell.  She went to the bathroom and she was shaking with fear. she saw the message but this time it was a another number. When Mel got home so she ran quickly up to her room and shut the door. Then she text the number  of the second message. Mel spend the sunday in her room and waiting to something to happen. In the text said that Ben would dump Mel. He wanted to see Mel but she told ben she couldn't. Maybe it's Glo that has taken Ben's mobile phone and took Mel´s  number. It is one tries to make Mel jealous. Glo send Mel a lot of stupid messages. The messages say that Ben just playing with Mel and will dump her. Mel feel ill the whole time of the stupid messages. Ben ask Mel why she gone weird on him but she don't tell him of course. Mell save all the message. The at last she get it.

fredag 3 februari 2012

discussion leeder

Positive:  Its the story funny?
Negatvie: why do you think the story is boring.
feelings: How do you feel when you read the story.
Fact: what is the story about?
creative: if you were the author, would you change anything in this story.

The text game!

  Text game: This picture tell us about when mel received the text message. And the text messages says: Hey dog-girlfriend mayb u shuda cum to da party wid b!. And its mean: hey dog-girlfriend maybe you should come to the party with ben!. She didnt now who the guy is.